Our Culture and Commitment
We are dedicated to providing gracious and dependable hospitality that will bring out the best in people at every occasion. Every day, we depend on over 7,000 associates of more than 100 different nationalities to provide thousands of guests from all over the world with service based on our values of – Integrity, Teamwork, Results, Respect and Creativity.
Our Culture

Our Pan Pacific People Culture binds us as a team and guides our interactions with one another. At Pan Pacific,
- We are one united team
- We treat each other with respect and genuine care, and greet one another as we would a friend
- We have a friendly, fun, and trustworthy working relationship
- We take ownership and pride in everything we do
- We always look and conduct ourselves according to our brand personalities (sincere, gracious, inclusive).
Our Commitment to Our People
As a global operator of hotels, resorts and serviced suites, our talent needs are driven by the passion for diverse and multi-talented teams, who collaborate with mutual respect to achieve shared goals.

A diverse and inclusive workplace
We recognise diversity and value our people. Within the Group, we build original ideas using insights to remain relevant through time. Believing that diversity is strength, we constantly advocate for inclusion at the workplace and are a pioneer in inclusive hiring in Singapore, where we are headquartered.

Equal opportunities and a merit-based reward system
We are committed to delivering positive outcomes, high standards and returns, and offer opportunities for our people to grow with us as we expand our business around the world. Our structured talent programmes help identify and build the next generation of General Managers and key leaders for our hotels, resorts and serviced suites. Across the Group, we promote cross-training and offer our associates opportunities to learn and develop skill sets across brands, functions and geographies.

Whistle Blowing
Pan Pacific Hotels Group adheres to the highest standards of corporate governance and expects its associates/employees to comply with all relevant laws, rules and regulations as well as its Code of Business Conduct.
The objective of the Whistle Blowing Policy is to provide a channel for associates/employees and external parties dealing with the associates/employees to bring to the attention of the Audit and Risk Committee any misdeeds or improprieties which may be committed by any associate/employees of Pan Pacific Hotels Group.
The Whistle Blowing Policy aims to encourage the reporting in good faith of any suspected improper conduct whilst protecting the Whistle Blowers from reprisals within the limits of the law. All cases reported are objectively investigated and where warranted, appropriate remedial measures are taken.
Pan Pacific Hotels Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UOL Group. If you wish to lodge a report or complaint, provide feedback or make enquiries on the Whistle Blowing Policy, please provide details through the following channels:
UOL Group Limited
101 Thomson Road
#33-00 United Square
Singapore 307591
Attention: Head, Internal Audit
Prrivate and Confidential
Do include your name in your report or complaint and sufficient details of the subject matter so that the Receiving Officer will be able to review and assess the matter. Pan Pacific Hotels Group will take all necessary measures to ensure that your identity shall remain confidential.
Our Commitment to the Environment

We pride ourselves as a world citizen with a heart towards our environment. Guided by our core values and brand philosophy, we believe in conducting business with sincerity and integrity. We are committed to respecting the environment with a view for the future and our next generation, and demonstrate that through initiatives such as no shark fin and no plastic straws. As of 1 January 2018, we no longer serve shark fin and shark products in our hotels. All plastic straws have been removed from our hotels, resorts and serviced suites in Asia Pacific since 15 July 2018 in preference for more environmentally-friendly alternatives.
Our Commitment to the Community

We believe in respecting and caring for the wider community. From raising funds for the needy to food donation drives and charity runs, our hotels, resorts and serviced suites have made a positive impact on the local people and contributed to meaningful causes, wherever they are located. |